Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blinded by the Light

The light is bright when you look into it and when the light goes out everything looks the same. 

People are much like lights. We don't often look into them. But..when you do look into them, when you really peer into the soul of another human being they burn bright. Its that light that allows each of us to live. The light provides an introspective view of what lies within our own soul. What lies within each of us is given a chance to illuminate but it must first be shined upon. It is that vulnerability that changes the world. When we shut out the light, when we stop looking into people we are blinded by likeness. Likeness kills creativity its shuts out the people that we truly are, unique and vibrant. Avoiding the light does not make you stronger but it simply shuts you off to the unique glow that each of us share. Don't be afraid of the light be afraid of everything that looks the same. Think twice before you avoid the light, think twice before you shut off the light, and always challenge yourself to peer into the light.

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