Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blinded by the Light

The light is bright when you look into it and when the light goes out everything looks the same. 

People are much like lights. We don't often look into them. But..when you do look into them, when you really peer into the soul of another human being they burn bright. Its that light that allows each of us to live. The light provides an introspective view of what lies within our own soul. What lies within each of us is given a chance to illuminate but it must first be shined upon. It is that vulnerability that changes the world. When we shut out the light, when we stop looking into people we are blinded by likeness. Likeness kills creativity its shuts out the people that we truly are, unique and vibrant. Avoiding the light does not make you stronger but it simply shuts you off to the unique glow that each of us share. Don't be afraid of the light be afraid of everything that looks the same. Think twice before you avoid the light, think twice before you shut off the light, and always challenge yourself to peer into the light.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let's Get Real

You continue to be someone you are not. Constantly trying to put on this costume that allows you to be a certain way to those around you and maybe even those you claim to be close to. You do it by default, and now its become something so normal that you have lost who you really are. The mirror reflects a skeleton, a skeleton of the man you used to be. You have starved the real you, becoming an anorexic to reality. Wake up! Start feeding yourself with your unmasked self. Strip off the costume that holds you captive to reality and life. Im talking about being true to who you are, being honest with yourself and those around you, im saying LET'S GET REAL!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Start of Something Started

Invisible Children (IC) is a beautiful organization and I have found myself believing more and more in what we do. I have always been a huge supporter of IC and let it be known that the integrity of Invisible Children is far above reproach. A few days ago my Ugandan teammates arrived with open arms and humble gratitude. The wonderful Monica and Irene, my Ugandan teammates, have a long history with the conflict in Central Africa. Monica at only 21  years of age has never known a life without war. She is one of 7 siblings and has lost her parents to the LRA. Irene is 33 and a prime example of the potential of the Ugandan people. She is a mentor and an educator and currently working on a book of Ugandan folklore. These lady's after only 2 days have confirmed my reasons for being here. Monica was asked at the air port what she was most excited for on tour. You might expect this little petite African girl, that doesnt look a day over 15, who has never really been outside of the Gulu area till now to mention something to the effect of seeing America. Instead, Monica began to say that she was most excited to  tell  the people that have supported her school and helped her people thank you. After only knowing her for about 30 minute I knew that I was here for the right reasons. Monica has been given the chance to grow to be an educated woman and is excited to return to her country to further that education in university by studying history and religious studies. This is truly going to be a journey. One filled with life and growth. Thankfully for me, this journey has already begun.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kahlil Gibran on Love

When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.

When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Place, New Life

Moving on and moving up! Literally. It was a week ago today that I left Haiti and headed up to I.N.D.I.A.N.A. and it only took 4 days before I moved on. Flying has become a common thing in my life and I have become quite good at it. None the less now I am in California, San Diego to be exact. I have joined the movement, the INVISIBLE CHILDREN movement and am currently in my training as a roadie. Life is basically a whirlwind of new adventures and life's confusions. i have so much to think about now. I am done with college meaning life and the world dangle at my finger tips with anticipation looming all around. But it’s not that easy... and I feel as if every day presents a new idea to my mind making for seemingly endless possibilities or just overwhelming numbers of thoughts that cannot escape from the inner cortexes of my brain. Dreams are important but reality is now and presents its self with other challenges. Every day my mind expands and every day I come closer to the realities of tomorrow. Until then I give you this<--------------

Monday, June 28, 2010

Eyes Wide Open

The city of Port-au-Prince has not been the same since. The devastating earthquake in January has ravished the city reeking havoc all through the streets which can still be seen today. It was not only the streets and buildings that shook, fell, and piled up. As we know hundreds of thousands of brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, friends, and foes shook, fell, and piled up. Almost every one you talk to or even pass in the street has lost someone on that January evening and, or in the days to follow. Today I head stories of two mothers who have passed on leaving behind memories and sorrow. and as I walked down the streets, past the Palace, and through the largest tent city in Port-au-Prince and tried to take it all in I realized that I can’t even come close to comprehending the magnitude of all that has happened here. If the fact that Hundreds of thousands of people have died is not enough and the rubble filled streets and homes is not enough and the thousands of people in tents is not enough then you are faced with the many many people that you pass by that are missing limbs forced to face the affects of 30 seconds of shaking every single day. Hundreds of thousands of people died and hundreds of thousands of people are scarred. It’s a harsh reality that slapped me in the face today.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Taking It All In

Now that my original plans have completely fallen through I am basically making it up as I go. There are a couple ways you can look at this. You can be miserable and think of it as a bad thing or you can view it as an opportunity for new things. As most of you who know me could probably guess, or at least I hope you guessed, I am looking at it as an opportunity for new things. I write to you from Port-au-Prince Haiti in a beautiful home of an affluent Haitian family. Let me tell you a little bit about the last few days. Most of my days have started at 5:00 am with breakfast and work starting at 5:30. The work consists of making water filters. The water filters are made out of cement they are formed and filled with 3 layers gravel, big sand, and then fine sand. There is about 3 inches of water that sits above that at all times which creates the bacteria to kill the viruses and microbes. It is a really great thing for this country. Water is not really hard to find but clean water is not common so this puts clean water in people’s homes. The filters cost 50 us dollars to make this origination sells them for 40 Haitian dollars which is about 5 us dollars. This organization employs only Haitians to make the filters this gives them a job which is scarce in Haiti. Thursday and Friday I was able to go on deliveries. This means I went around to different communities and into peoples homes delivering filters and helping installing them. It’s a humbling experience to enter into a Haitian’s home. Most are very small with cement or dirt floors, one bed, a dinner table, and maybe a few nick nacks. Mostly they have the bare essentials. The children are always curious and sometimes scared of the white guy or blonk that is walking around or in their home. People are awesome here and if given the chance will teach you all they can.

Food, what can I say about the food? Well, first I really like the food it is very good. I have eaten quite a bit of real authentic Haitian food since I have been here. Rice comes with just about every meal and beans are usually quick to follow. Sometimes meat is put with the rice and beans and one of the foods I just tried the other day was with rice and beans and on top they put cooked spinach. Its not like any spinach that I have tried in the states its much different and if you can get past the look and the place that it was cooked it tastes good. One of my favorite foods is fried pork pieces. They are crispy, a little spice and a good flavor. Definitely a favorite.

So, now I have left Clean Water For Haiti and I am in Port-au-Prince for the week. I came here with a lady I met at Clean Water for Haiti who is from Kentucky. She spent a year here back in 2004 teaching at a school and will be here for another 5 weeks. She presented me with the opportunity to join her to experience the culture in Port-au-Prince and if all goes well another city in the north. While I am in Port-au-Prince I will be visiting the school that she taught at as well as experiencing different unique parts of the city. This is an awesome opportunity that I am excited to be able to take part in. Thank you for your support and I will continue to keep you updated on my life.

Peace and Love!

Video Blog- June 22

So I made a little video Blog/Update.  check it out here!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just the Start- Expect Anything

Haiti welcomed me with a warm kiss. I was met by one of my Haitian friend’s brother and friends. I made the familiar drive to Pierre Payen where I then met my friend Paul. I have learned that I must be ready for the unexpected and since I have gotten to Haiti that has been what I have gotten. My contact and person I was to be staying with has left here because of illness leaving me here with three others, charley, Donnie, and his sister with many others who come and go. Donny is the only one who speaks English and I am grateful that he does. As if that was not enough unexpected I am now left with people that were dependent on the man that is in charge of the place, who had to leave, to live as well. This means the food that I buy is feeding not only me but also several others. Money is tight and I am not sure how I will make it the next month and a half with what I have, and its only been a few days. But I trust and pray to the Lord for his guidance and help. I have clean drinking water which is good and I have plenty of food after our trip to Saint Mark today the 18th. My food had been prepared by my Haitian friends which is also good and very authentic. So far my stomach is doing well but I do fear getting sick something I am expecting to happen before I leave but again I have been praying for protection and I trust God. The heat here is not so bad but the humidity is ruthless. I am constantly sweating and yesterday after playing soccer for a long time and sweating buckets I felt very weak. And again today after returning from Saint Mark I was feeling weak but I have made myself drink a lot today and the electrolyte packets I believe have helped. After pumping myself full of fluids I felt much better I am still learning the ropes as you can see and my body is hating me for it already but I am learning and beginning to understand. I have the ocean out my back yard which means I get to cool off regularly which is very nice. The view is like one off of a post card. Because my contact is not here I do not have much I am doing right now. I talked with a doctor in the town just south of here who is American and is doing some amazing things a bit the other day and I believe I will help him every once in a while. Tonight after dinner I also went to visit Annie’s Orphanage I wanted to see the kids and I as great to see them. They are so well mannered and starving for attention and since I am alone this time I am left trying to feed them all with it. I’m not complaining I love each and every one of the kids they are so beautiful and are full of joy. Times are tough right now for me I feel stress and frustration along with homesickness. The stress is about money, frustration because my contact is gone and I don’t know what to do, and homesickness I don’t know where it came from. I don’t get homesick but I am scared because of the money and the weight of taking care of my new friends and myself and my health. I am looking to God that’s all I can do. One thing is for sure my unstable relationship with God is growing. I see the faith and hope from my Haitian friends and the lack of such in my own life. This mixed with the weight around me forces me to seek our almighty God. I must go now I need to get some sleep because the mornings are early may God bless you all. Please keep me in your prayers and if you can support me financially let me know through email or facebook Shanemcneeley@gmail.com and send it to 2132 strawtown pike Peru Indiana 46970. Peace, Love, and all Glory to God!!!

Today is a new Day! and there are places to help on the horizon!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This is what happends when you let your mind onto paper. Its fresh, real, raw, and straight off the cusp but it was my fellings at this moment. oh, by the way, this was me freaking out but im better now.

       long for something more something beyond what is in front of me and deeper than what I have ever learned or been shown. I am burdened with sorrow but I don't know why. Or, maybe I do. Its hard to tell when you are all alone and left with seemingly nothing. I hate how I feel, and my image of myself is less than satisfactory. I feel alone in this world, and I have for some time now. I have masked it with the laughter of people around me and by my rash whims of love and desire. But, its now that I am left alone with myself and left alone with my thoughts that I see that I am lost. Im lost in my own self, lost in this world that engulfs my every being. It clear...im lost. Its a scary thing to be all alone, and lost. Not knowing whats around the corner or on the other side of the bend. Not knowing who you are or what you are living for seems to be even worse. Its all lost. I long for something more. I long for purpose, I long for life, I long for happiness, I long for love, and I long to never be alone.

I am so broken and confused seemingly going through the motions of day to day life and now that I am finally free, to that place that I knew would one day come, that time when I had the world at my finger tips and I would set myself free, well that time is now. It has come. It is right in front of me. I have opened the screen door to the house that has for so long kept me bound and I look out to the field, with the wind making waves in the tall grass and I don't know what to do. I have lost all sense of direction and I stand there anxious but fearful.

I stand there looking toward a direction that is no different from the others. It could be west or north but I wouldn't know the difference if it was east or south, but it matters. The direction matters because each direction unleashes something different. So I guess it makes sense to just go for it, and take what ever comes my way. Right? Because until I know where I am, how will I ever know where im going?

The clock tics on and life moves around me not stopping to wait for me. there is no waiting. My heart, mind and soul long for something more something significant something special but all I have to go on is chance. It sounds silly, because what do I have to lose?  It all sounds like nonsense but I feel it. I feel it all.  Bottom line, im not afraid to say.....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life In and After Haiti

I didn’t really know what to expect. All I knew to believe is was what I had heard and saw from different the media sources that piled up around me. I knew that this was a time of need and that God had a plan, a plan that would soon involve me. We made our way through the many discouraging obstacles that laid in our path and finally stepped foot into a world totally different from our own. We made our way through the pole barn that they called customs and baggage claims to reach the large crowd that stood desperately wanting to help any of us “rich people” with our bags simply to make a buck or two. It was at this moment that we knew without a shadow of a doubt that we were in Haiti.

The trip was full of unknowns and speculations about what would seen and experienced. With many ideas cycling through our minds it was clear that until we saw, experienced, and came face to face with the effects of the earthquake and life as it is now and before the devastation in Haiti, we would never be able to grasp the magnitude of the situation in this country. We were only there for a week but this week was meant to challenge every part of who we were. We called home a hot and humid building and laid our head to rest at night on foam mattress within a compound in the town of Pierre Payen. At first there were not huge life changing tasks on the path in front of us and we learned to find peace in the small and mundane tasks that we were directed to complete. Tasks such as fixing a ceiling in our room and painting the walls of a couple offices. Through the mundane we still were able to find peace in knowing that we were loosening the load of others and furthering the kingdom of God even if it was in the most minuet way. But our work did not stop at painting and repairing nor were we about to stop there. After the normal 8:30am to 5:00pm days at the compound we entered into relationship with the Haitian people and what a joy that was. We visited orphanages and played with the kids, we played soccer and goofed around with the kids on the street and around our compound, and eventually handed out rice and assisted in well repairs throughout tent cities and different parts of Port-au-prince. Even though our languages did not mix and we learned a limited vocabulary such as, “Hello, how are you” “what’s your name” and a few simple words like “thank you” and “you’re welcome” in their native language Creole, we were able to communicate and find pleasure in the things that are universal. It was beautiful to see and experience the simple things in life that we so often take for granted like a smile, a hug, and a laugh that break down the walls that cage us in. Although it was very frustrating not being able to communicate to our new friends, we knew simply by the look in their eyes how they felt and I think that they could see it in our eyes as well.

Life in Haiti is different than ours in the United States of America. With Haiti being the poorest country in the western hemisphere you can imagine that we in America have absolutely no clue what life there is like for the Haitian people, not even myself after being there can truly fathom the life of a Haitian. Even with minimal resources and with all the odds staked against the people they persevere, exemplifying resiliency like none I have seen. The Haitian people work hard at making food, retrieving water, taking care of their children, and trying to make ends meat in any way they can, which was beautiful and heart wrenching at the same time.

Our time was mostly spent in and around Pierre Payen, which suffered very minimal damage from the earthquake, but there were a couple days spent in Port-au-prince. This city has been hit hard, with some buildings pan caked and others with devastating structural damage but the most shocking element is the number of people displaced from their homes, forced to live in makeshift tents or tents supplied from a few groups, and tarp covered huts. These people were in need of food and water proof shelter. Our senses we heightened as we drove through this city. Our eyes were drawn to spaces filled with tents or tarp homes, collapsed buildings and beautiful children and people waving and continuing on in their normal day to day manner much different from our own. Our noses locked onto the smell of burning trash and plastic, food cooking on the side of the street, and different unidentifiable odors that I would just assume leave unidentified. Sounds floated through the air in a screaming manner, horns blasting (from an American view for no reason), kids laughing, playing, and trying to speak to us in Creole, and many people asking for food and handouts from the white people in the back of the truck. Your skin could feel the heat and humidity in the air, with dust sticking to the perspiration that covered your body. And our mouths were dry and our thirst was quenched by different flavored pops or water from a bag. There were few times that our senses were not on active duty, which is another element that made this experience life changing.

It didn’t take long for us to realize that life was different for the Haitian people compared to our own. Nor did it take long to see the resilience and happiness that they had even in the worst of circumstances. Every part of Haiti touched and tore at our hearts transforming our world view causing us to see life in America through new lenses. Now, as I anxiously wait to once again return to the beautiful people and beautiful country of Haiti I can only tell others about my experience and close my eyes and remember the faces gratitude and joy that grip my heart.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Its Not Fair!

As you look at where you are right now, as I look at where I am right now, its seen as clearly not fair. Yes, I am extremely grateful for the comfortable life I live but its not fair. I didn't ask to be born in America, further more I didn't ask to be born by parents who care for me, I didn't even ask to be born into a home with which I eat three meals a day and on to of that am able to receive good education. These are all things that I have taken for granted for too long.

I have taken advantage of the material positions, shelter, bed, and the list could go on for ever. So why me? Why have I Shane McNeeley been given the life I have been given, out of all the billions of people in this world, why me? Now, there is the obvious and true answer that most people at my little christian college would give me and that is that God created me with a purpose and that he is going to use me to further his kingdom..... but that still doesn't make it fair!

Why have I been brought into a life where I eat plentiful and have the ability to eat when ever I want, to go to a water faucet and drink straight from the tap? Of course that's because I live in one of the most developed countries in the world. But its still not fair! Daily I take for granted the education I have received and am still receiving. This goes back to living with parents that love me dearly and desire me to receive higher education and help me fit the bill. But none the less its still NOT FAIR!

This is not the first time these thoughts have crossed my mind but it is now that I have been pressed to write about it. Over the past few years I have been trying to relinquish as many commodities that I can. Even the thought of going to a third world country and leaving most of my positions makes me feel like I'm doing a service to those that don't have what I have but the fact of the matter is, that I am still rich. I cant run away from my wealth because no matter where I go I still have so many people who love and care for me and with a simple phone call or email I could have the ability to be right back in my comfortable life style. I cant hide from it I cant leave it its something I must own. And.... you know what? its not fair!

Like I had said before I am very grateful for what I have, for the people I have in my life, for the support I have from the body of Christ, and for all the comfortable commodities that I have. I just struggle so much and its so hard to look at the rest of the world and see the pain, hurt, and poor that have been flooded with the simple but daunting task to stay alive and make it through the day they have been given.

With that I have a decision to make. That decision deals with the fact that I have been given this opportunity and this life to live, and to make the most of it. Its clear to me that I have been gifted by God and He does have a specific plan for my life, but its my decision to use this life for good or for bad. With that said I cry out for grace, I know that I will fall short many times through out this life and grace will be required. I also want to vow to make the most of this life but not for myself and to lift myself up but for those with whom its not fair. I will not neglect the riches I have nor will I neglect the hurting and poor around the world but utilize the riches I have to help these people, my brothers and sister, that God puts in my life.

I will live my life out loud, even if its not fair!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Packing, Planning, and Preperation: Haiti Tomorrow

The time has come. It was eight days ago when we received the confirmation and purchased or tickets and so much has happened since then. As we began to prepare and exhaust all our outlets for our quickly arriving trip to Haiti things just seemed to fall into place. We had been working on finding a group to go through for over a month before our spring break and every avenue that we seemed to turn down ended up being blocked. We didn't stop though. We kept looking and searching for a way to go and help the Haitian people the best we could. Although after many of our road blocks we had sort of lost hope we continued to search and here we are now, preparing to leave.

I have been keeping up to date on the situation in Haiti. From the need for tents as the rainy season kisses this date in time, to the aftershock that just took place last night. Its all very real and for us going it will soon become a harsh reality. This reality i look forward to. I don't believe that any of us that have not been there after this devastation can truly fathom the magnitude of the situation, i know i cant. That seems to be a problem with most of our reporting these days. They try to load us with stats and numbers leaving out the personal experiences of the people that are going through the hell. 200,000 people is incomprehendable but personal stories of anguish, hurt, bitterness, and anger from losing sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters digs deep into the soul of any person near or far. My heart and my mind are far removed from this place but soon both will join, and both will for once have a small grasp on the situation.

I said that many things had happened since the confirmation and purchase of the tickets. In the past eight days Joel and Nick have raised around 1,000 dollars for the trip thanks to many in the surrounding community of Bethel College. Half of this money has already purchased antibiotics and other medical supplies that we have been told are needed. You never really think about having to much stuff to take but this is an issue we are running into. Each of us are allowed 1 carry on and 1 checked bag of 50 pounds but as the supplies pour our Bags begin to fill causing us to have to choose between more medical supplies or construction materials that have been asked for. (An issue we are still sorting out)

Tomorrows the day we will depart from Bethel College sometime in the afternoon to allow time for the drive to Detroit Michigan and the cavity search at the airport. Before we go remember us in your prayers. allow God to speak to you not only about us and our trip but for the Haitian people. There is another HUGE thanks in order for a couple people in our Bethel family for their financial support and prayer coverage, much thanks to you. Until next time!

Peace and Love

Monday, February 22, 2010

God and the Poor

I have been reading and learning on my own a lot about God and the poor. I recently went to a conference on faith and international development where my knowledge grew and was challenged. I was able to hear a man named Ron Sider who I refrence later speak out on God and the poor. I had to write a paper on Biblical Theology and focus on the Old Testament and since this is something im passionate about and have been studying I thought it would be appropriate to write on. For once this was an enjoyable 5-7 page paper. well I have attached it here below I thought I would share it with the rest of you. understand that I did not proof read this paper much and that there is much more to say about this topic and... in the two books that I refrence you can find a much better and fuller understanding of this topic. None the less I will leave you with this read its a bit long but keep with it. Its powerful truth, so keep and open mind.

God and the Poor
I find it interesting that even thought I had grown up in the church, as a pastors kid none the less, that it was not until I reached college that I realized the importance of loving others. Now do not get me wrong, I knew that helping people was important. That is the reason I started my college career off in the nursing field i was in search of a way to others but as I switched from nursing to, my current major, youth Ministry I began to learn and be challenged by the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. His teachings on love overwhelmed me and a large amount of me was upset that it wasn’t till I was nearly 20 years old that I learned and understood what verses like 1 John 3: 17, “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3: 17) really meant. This love that I learned about was not just any love and the direction that Jesus gives His followers was not just an ordinary one. I began to truly understand and read the bible with a different light, that His followers were to love other and more specifically love and take care of the poor. Now, I am a senior in college, a semester away from graduating and my knowledge on this matter has grown significantly. I continue to be challenged by theologians, my peers, and God to Love and take care of the poor and not to lord over them with my “riches”. What is so beautiful about this direction we have been given is that it is embedded not only in the New Testament but its rooted and intertwined all throughout the Old Testament as well.
How do we define the poor? In the book Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, Ronald Sider gives five Hebrew words for the poor, “ani, anaw, ebyon, dal, and ras” and then one Greek word “ptochos” (R. Sider, pg 41). We are told that ani and anaw are very similar in meaning both referring to someone who is “’wrongfully impoverished or dispossessed’” (pg 41). Ebyon on the other hand is directed toward someone who is a beggar petitioning for help. Dal is a word that is understood as “a thin, weakly person such as an impoverished, deprived peasant” (pg 41). Ras is a unique because it is basically a neutral word. In the New Testament we have the Greek word ptochos. This word is directed toward someone that is “like a beggar, who is completely destitute and must seek help from others” (pg 41). Sider also states how Greek ptochos is the reciprocal of the Hebrew words ani and dal. So, as we see when the phrase “the poor” is used in the Bible it is dealing with people with low economic status because of disaster, misfortune, or oppression. Looking further into defining the poor we must also look at Isaiah, “…because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor…” (Isaiah 61: 1-2)
God’s dealings with the poor stems way back as we see God dealing with the poor by lifting up the poor. We can see in Exodus how God came to the rescue of the slaves in Egypt. Many cried out to God for deliverance and for justice like we see in Deuteronomy 26: 7 “Then we cried out to the Lord, the God of our fathers, and the Lord heard our voice and saw our misery, toil and oppression” (Deuteronomy 26: 7). In the book When Helping Hurts: how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself, Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert bring to our attention that this event with the Israelites in the Old Testament is not simply an example of God’s dealings with the poor but also a foreshadowing of things to come. This event foreshadowed the coming of Jesus and what he would do on earth as seen in Matthew 5:17; John 5: 37-39, 45-46; Colossians 2: 16-17 (Corbett, Fikkert pg 38).
As we follow this story further we see God giving Israel the law and not to bind them up but to give them peace and justice. Soon after that we see the freed Israelites being put back into captivity. We often look at this and blame it solely on the Israelites spiritual fall with idolatry but that was not all that took place the message of the prophets explains that the exile of the Israelites was due to mistreatment of the poor. (Isaiah 1: 10-17, 58: 1-10)
Corbett and Fikkert ask the question of why the Israelites were exiled why was God so disappointed and furious? They said that it was due to their “failure to care for the poor and the oppressed” (pg 40). They go on and explain that “He wanted His people to ‘loose the chains of injustice,’ and not just go to church on Sunday. He wanted His people to ‘clothe the naked,’ and not just attend midweek prayer meeting[s]. He wanted His people to ‘spend themselves on behalf of the hungry,’ and not just sing praise music” (pg 40). God wanted the Israelites, which he freed and came to the rescue of, to be an example to others of who He is both in word and in deed. God wants us now to be that very same thing, the full embodiment of Jesus.
Another aspect of God’s dealings with the poor is how He identifies with the poor. Proverbs paints a vibrant picture of this. “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God” (Proverbs 14: 31). “He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their Maker; whoever gloats over disaster will not go unpunished” (Proverbs 17: 5). “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done” (Proverbs 17: 5). All three of these proverbs are similar in the fact that they compare helping the poor with helping God himself. We see another example of this in the New Testament. In Matthew 25: 31-46 Jesus is talking about people who took care of the hungry, the thirsty, strangers, the naked, the sick, and those in prison and how because of this they did all these things to Him and that they will inherit the kingdom. So again we see God and Jesus identifying with the poor. This also makes it important for followers of Christ to take care of the poor for we are in essence taking care of God himself.
It is also important to note how God has used the poor thought scripture. We can see many times throughout scripture, both Old and New Testament, how God used the poor as special tools to change to world. “God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things-and the things that are not-to nullify the things that are…” (1 Corinthians 1: 27-28) A few examples from the Old Testament are the Israelites, as we have already mentioned, as being poor and God using them to further the kingdom. Job ended up poor but God was working in him and using him to glorify himself. We also see in Hosea God using a prostitute as a way to bring glory. The poor are significant people all throughout the Bible. In the New Testament we see Jesus himself poor and being used as the savior of the universe. He was born in a manger not ideal for a king and savior of everything.
God also deals with the poor by pulling down the rich. What is the issue with the rich and poor? Why does God pull down the rich? These are questions that are important to understand. Two things are in common when we see God pulling down the rich; one is when we see the rich getting wealthy by oppressing the poor, and two when we see the rich neglecting the poor. Three verses in particular deal with God’s pulling down of the rich are in Isaiah 3, Ezekiel 16 and in Amos 5. We see in Isaiah 3 the people getting rich but at the expense of the poor. God does not delight in seeing people receive riches when that means others will suffer because of that wealth; “The Lord enters into judgment against the elders and leaders of his people: "It is you who have ruined my vineyard; the plunder from the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing my people and grinding the faces of the poor?" declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty.” (Isaiah 3: 15-16). Neither does God delight in the neglect of the poor. We see in Ezekiel how God showed mercy lifting the woman in the story giving her wealth and riches but she wasted them away and “So I [God] stretched out my hand against you and reduced your territory; I gave you over to the greed of your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines, who were shocked by your lewd conduct.” There are some that are blessed with wealth but they have a higher responsibility to use that wealth to further the kingdom of God. Like we see in this passage of Ezekiel it is difficult for the wealthy to do this for it often times leads to greed and pride. Which can be understood more fully by the accounts of Matthew, mark, and Luke; “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10: 25) Now looking at Amos 5 we get another look at people oppressing the poor. “You trample on the poor and force him to give you grain. Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you will not drink their wine.” (Amos 5: 11) Here we see How God feels about people who take advantage of the poor.
God has a heart for the poor, and as I continue to learn more about the Bible and live my life as a follower of Christ and according to His teaching I am able to see the beauty of God. The actions of God can be seen all throughout the Bible from God lifting up the poor, to Him identifying with the poor, the way e uses the poor, and the way he pulls down the rich who lord over the poor. Each of these actions of God not only show his love and mercy for all of His people but it gives us direction as followers of Christ in how to live a life surrendered to God. Even though I got a late start on the understanding of taking care of the poor I continue to grow, learn, and strive to further the kingdom and bring glory to God through serving the poor and using my wealth to help the poor.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

4 Days Till Haiti

Its Saturday there are 4 days till we leave for Haiti. There is so many unknowns and its still serial that its happening. Joel Hartsell and Nick Bartlett have been going door to door trying to raise money to cover some expenses and to try and have as much money that we can to get some or all of the things from a list of things they need. here is the list:

We need some 1 & 2 inch 18 gauge brad nails straight not angled. Plumbing we need some 1/2 " female to 3/8 male brass or steel and also 1/2" female to 1/4" male, toilet shut off valves other shut offs 3/4" & 1" any other plumbing connections would make your work easier rather than having to find them locally. also tapcons or other concrete fasteners ,electric wire strippers, possibly some plumbing tools for plastic and metal some canvas tool totes or bucket organizers,masonry drills, 50 ft extension cords, pull switch repair kit for ceiling fans

Two other things not on this list but that are a huge need right now in Haiti are Tents and Tarps. if anyone has any of these things and would donate them to us to take as we go that would be great. if you do not have them and would like to donate money so that we can purchase these things that would be wonderful as well. I am also providing you a website that you can donate or buy tents for that will be delivered. http://www.ahomeinhaiti.org/ This is a reliable group that you can trust. Please continue to pray for Us three that are going as well as the people in Haiti.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Going to Haiti

Well it official, two other guys and myself will be leaving in 8 days to provide assistance in Haiti. we maneged to work out all the kinks and get the tickets ordered today. this is one of those things that we really didn't see working out after multiple let downs but its happening now. we will be leaving on Wednesday at 7:30 pm from Detroit, MI and we fly to Ft Lauderdale where we will have a massive layover. all night actually ( great sleep that will be). and we will then take off from there in the morning and arrive in Port-Au-Prince at 12:45. from there we will be picked up by Steve Mossburg we will then be in his hands. our main job will be to help with construction at the med clinic near by. i have a feeling this will be a long few days but i pray that God will show us much grace, mercy, and love while giving us energy and perseverance to do the work we came to do. I am also praying, and would ask you too as well, that God breaks each and every one of us while we are there. my we truly be blown away by Himself. this is really all the information i know but i will be taking pictures and journaling my time there which i will then share with you.

for more information about who we are going with go to this link!
and here

Much Peace and Love

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Haiti on the Brain

Well for almost a month now a few guys and myself have been trying to set up a trip to Haiti for our spring break. we had things pretty well set up with he lady telling us it was a 99 percent for sure thing, but that soon fell through. and now today we are sitting here disappointed and at a loss for hope. I still had some options and so I sent out some emails to a few people trying to find anything and anyone who needed help in Haiti. I got an email back almost instantly from one of the people and so now we are waiting. he has passed on the information and we are now waiting for confirmation.

sometimes i think its hard to figure out what God is telling you. we so desperately want to aid in ANY way possible whether its something super small to something huge but regardless we want to be used. i have come to the conclusion that its not ok to sit and wait around for an answer from God but rather seek start walking put into action the ideas or plans and God will do his thing he will guide you through it or turn you around. so that's what we are doing. we keep taking steps never taking no as an answer till its too late.

while we wait and pray to see what God has in store for us i ask you also to pray for us and to take your step. place one foot in front of the other. if you would like to donate to our trip please let me know. we are simply college students and low on cash so anything will help. ill fill you in when we have more info if there is anything else you can help with.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


ahhhh.... its my senior year of college, its my last semester of college (God Willing), its a monumental moment. right? well of course! i finally get to get out of here. college has been one of those things that has been great for me and one of those things that has kept me caged in like a rabid animal. well this rabid animal is about to break loose and hold onto your hats! i know I'm young, immature, naive.... the list goes on but isn't that the beauty of it all. as much as i would like to i know that i will not save the world from poverty, disease, hunger.... but i will storm the field with knowledge that i have and take on what ever God puts in front of me. i was at a conference this last weekend and at one of the break out sessions a lady who wrote a book called "into the mud" which i am ready, told a story about her husband killing a snake. it was a dangerous snake 10% of the people who get bit by this kind of snake die others only lose limbs. in the region that they were in there were several other snakes that were very dangerous and very deadly and if bitten you will most certainly die. she went on to make several points about living in another culture and what not. it wasn't till the end that i really understood the reasoning for her story. she said that there will always be bigger more dangerous and deadly snakes and as for her husband and snakes...he was not confronted with those snakes only the one that came his way. her point was that along the way there will be many things like hunger poverty....that you may not be dealing with but that does not mean that what you are doing is not important. we need to deal with the issues that God puts in front of us! i think its a beautiful thought. i know that i will make mistakes, don't we all? i also know that i will make mistakes because i am young, naive, immature.... but in those mistakes will be strength. strength from the Lord and strength in the correction and knowledge that comes from my mistakes. like i said i think its beautiful to not be tainted by the worlds downfalls and misfortunes and mistakes. i think its beautiful to see young people caring for the world around them. although some put them down for being naive and thinking they can save the world but... its in them that life springs that new and fresh ideas are sparked and fire is given birth to the other blades of grass around them and eventually you have a wild fire out of control infecting the world like venom!

i guess my point is that i plan to take this path that i am on until the next fork in the road i will take on the snakes that slither across the path. its my last semester of my senior year in college and i can not be more excited about the life ahead of me the life that God is directing me!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Well this semester has now begun! one week down and several to go. The best part about it all is not that its my last semester (which is really exciting), or that I'm excited to learn (which could be up for question), but rather that right now i am back with my brothers! we don't have the same mothers and we don't have the same fathers, but the relationship between us can only be classified as BROTHERHOOD! i always tell people, when talking about the guys, that we fight like brothers, argue like brothers, and of course love each other like brother. there is not much that wouldn't do for one another, and what is even more beautiful is how no matter how long we have been away from one another when we come back its like we have never left!

When i started this blog we were truly all together and it was beautiful but since then one of the brothers included in the brotherhood has left for Kampala, Uganda. Matt Molcjan is currently in Kampala following God and listening to the Holy Spirit in regards to how to be used. I had talked about above how no matter where we are when we get together its like we never left but that's not the only beautiful thing about our brotherhood. we got a call today from Matt in Kampala asking for prayer. vision and prayers are being answered God is in control and may he continue to lead guide and direct through it all.

Brotherhood goes beyond the walls of our homes beyond the boundaries of our country and intercedes with one another lives where ever we might be. thank God for family, thank God for my Brothers!

if you wish to follow Matt and Brennons selfless lives make this one of your favorites!

So for now there are 3 brothers under the same roof but there will always be 4 on the hearts of us all!